- Translation是一个翻译插件,支持中英互译、单词朗读。 General Usage Instructions:
- 选择需要翻译的文本 > 点击鼠标右键 > 点击Translate.
- 或者使用快捷键Alt + 0/1/2/3/R/T(Mac下可能无效,需要自定义快捷键)进行翻译。
- 你可以直接翻译如”getTranslatedString”和”HELLO_WORLD”这样的文本。
打开 Preferences(Settings) > Keymap, 然后搜索 Translation. 在需要修改快捷键的 Action 上点击鼠标右键, 然后点击 “add Keyboard Shortcut…” 设置新的快捷键。 另外,按 ESC 键可关闭气泡和翻译对话框。
2017-11-08 15:00:57更新
Live Templates
Item | Description |
annotated(“annotation qname”) | Creates a symbol of type with an annotation that resides at the specified location. For an example, see Live Templates in the iterations group. |
anonymousSuper() | Suggests a supertype for a Kotlin object expression. |
сamelCase(String) | Returns the string passed as a parameter, converted to camel case. For example, my-text-file/my text file/my_text_file will be converted to myTextFile. |
capitalize(String) | Capitalizes the first letter of the name passed as a parameter. |
capitalizeAndUnderscore(sCamelCaseName) | Capitalizes the all letters of a CamelCase name passed as a parameter, and inserts an underscore between the parts. For example, if the string passed as a parameter is FooBar, then the function returns FOO_BAR. |
castToLeftSideType() | Casts the right-side expression to the left-side expression type. It is used in the iterations group to have a single template for generating both raw-type and Generics Collections. |
className(sClassName) | Returns the name of the current class (the class where the template is expanded). |
classNameComplete() | This expression substitutes for the class name completion at the variable position. |
clipboard() | Returns the contents of the system clipboard. |
camelCase(String) | Returns CamelCase string out of snake_case string. For example, if the string passed as a parameter is foo_bar, then the function returns fooBar. |
complete() | This expression substitutes for the code completion invocation at the variable position. |
completeSmart() | This expression substitutes for the smart type completion invocation at the variable position. |
componentTypeOf ( | Returns component type of an array. For example, see the Live Templates in the iterations group in the other group. |
currentPackage() | Returns the current package name. |
date(sDate) | Returns the current system date in the specified format. |
By default, the current date is returned in the default system format. However, if you specify date format in double quotes, the date will be presented in this format: | |
decapitalize(sName) | Replaces the first letter of the name passed as a parameter with the corresponding lowercase letter. |
descendantClassEnum( | Shows the children of the class entered as a string parameter. |
enum(sCompletionString1,sCompletionString2,…) | List of comma-delimited strings suggested for completion at the template invocation. |
escapeString(sEscapeString) | Escapes the specified string. |
expectedType() | Returns the type which is expected as a result of the whole template. Makes sense if the template is expanded in the right part of an assignment, after return, etc. |
fileName(sFileName) | Returns file name with extension. |
fileNameWithoutExtension() | Returns file name without extension. |
firstWord(sFirstWord) | Returns the first word of the string passed as a parameter. |
groovyScript(“groovy code”) | Returns Groovy script with the specified code. |
guessElementType ( | Makes a guess on the type of elements stored in a java.util.Collection. To make a guess, IntelliJ IDEA tries to find the places where the elements were added to or extracted from the container. |
iterableComponentType( | Returns the type of an iterable component, such as an array or a collection. |
iterableVariable() | Returns the name of a variable that can be iterated. |
lineNumber() | Returns the current line number. |
lowercaseAndDash(String) | Returns lower case separated by dashes, of the string passed as a parameter. For example, the string MyExampleName is converted to my-example-name. |
methodName() | Returns the name of the embracing method (where the template is expanded). |
methodParameters() | Returns the list of parameters of the embracing method (where the template is expanded). |
methodReturnType() | Returns the type of the value returned by the current method (the method within which the template is expanded). |
qualifiedClassName() | Returns the fully qualified name of the current class (the class where the template is expanded). |
Clear the Shorten FQ names check box. | |
rightSideType() | Declares the left-side variable with a type of the right-side expression. It is used in the iterations group to have a single template for generating both raw-type and Generics Collections. |
snakeCase(sCamelCaseText) | Returns snake_case string out of CamelCase string passed as a parameter. |
spaceSeparated(String) | Returns string separated with spaces out of CamelCase string passed as a parameter. For example, if the string passed as a parameter is fooBar, then the function returns foo bar. |
subtypes(sType) | Returns the subtypes of the type passed as a parameter. |
suggestIndexName() | Suggests the name of an index variable. Returns i if there is no such variable in scope, otherwise returns j if there is no such variable in scope, etc. |
suggestVariableName() | Suggests the name for a variable based on the variable type and its initializer expression, according to your code style settings that refer to the variable naming rules. |
For example, if it is a variable that holds an element within iteration, IntelliJ IDEA makes a guess on the most reasonable names, also taking into account the name of the container being iterated. | |
suggestFirstVariableName(sFirstVariableName) | Doesn’t suggest true, false, this, super. |
time(sSystemTime) | Returns the current system time. |
typeOfVariable(VAR) | Returns the type of the variable passed as a parameter. |
underscoresToCamelCase(sCamelCaseText) | Returns the string passed as a parameter with CamelHump letters substituting for underscores. For example, if the string passed as a parameter is foo_bar, then the function returns fooBar. |
underscoresToSpaces(sParameterWithSpaces) | Returns the string passed as a parameter with spaces substituting for underscores. |
user() | Returns the name of the current user. |
variableOfType( | Suggests all variables that may be assigned to the type passed as a parameter, for example variableOfType(“java.util.Vector”). If you pass an empty string (“”) as a parameter, suggests all variables regardless of their types. |
JsArrayVariable | Returns JavaScript array name. |
jsClassName() | Returns the name of the current JavaScript class. |
jsComponentType | Returns the JavaScript component type. |
jsMethodName() | Returns the name of the current JavaScript method. |
jsQualifiedClassName | Returns the complete name of the current JavaScript class. |
jsSuggestIndexName | Returns a suggested name for an index. |
jsSuggestVariableName | Returns a suggested name for a variable. |